Korte wetenschapsfilm waar door middel van dans uitleg werd gegeven over antilichamen. Geproduceerd door Sensu. Verticale dans is ons hoofddoel maar alle artiesten bij Ropes Aligned zijn professioneel geschoolde dansers, dus dans op de grond blijven we onderzoeken en onszelf in uitdagen.
When art meets science...
...and hyperflexible dancing bodies meet their hyperflexible antibodies! Inspired by recent research from Utrecht University’s Hecklab and realised in collaboration with video artists from Sensu and performers from the Aerialettes, this artist impression visualises how the best antibodies for combatting diseases can be found in our own bodies. With this idea of using bodies and movement we continue the visual themes we used in previous Hecklab videos. But we took it to the next level with this project thanks to the Aerialettes, who really brought the film to live.